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Best Author
Best New Author
* Has written under 3 completed stories or been writing for less than 6 months.
Best Fanfic Website
Best Angst
Best AU (Alternate Universe)
* All human or parallel universe, NOT simply UC Pairings (het or slash) or saying so-and-so never showed up/left/died, or re-writing an episode.
Best Beta
Best Characterization
Best Comedy
Best Crossover (Book)
Best Crossover (Book) Pairing
* Canon Character/Book Character
Best Crossover (Movie)
Best Crossover (Movie) Pairing
* Canon Character/Movie Character
Best Crossover (TV)
* BtVS/AtS do not count as crossovers.
Best Crossover (TV) Pairing
* Canon Character/Other TV Show Character
Best Drama
Best Episode Re-write
Best Fluff
Best Gen Fic
* No Parings Allowed.
Best NC-17
Best Original Character
Best Original Character Pairing
* Canon Character/Original Character
Best Pairing (Conventional)
* A couple as shown on show as being in a relationship.
More than just a one-night stand.

Best Pairing (Unconventional)
* A couple not shown on show.
Best Plot
Best Post-Series Finale Fic
Best Quickie Fic
* 1,000 Words or Less
Best Romance
Best Series
* 2 or more stories that are connected, NOT a multi-chapter story.
Best Slash
Best Song Fic
Best Unfinished
Site design by Shannon
All fics, art, and sites belong to their creators and can not be posted without permission of the creator.
BTVS/ATS characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Muntant Enemy, Fox, UPN, and the WB. Characters from other fandoms belong to their Creators.
This site makes no profit from them.